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Sore backs, incontinence, powdery mildew & apple pie.


Updated: Aug 22, 2021

I think my watch is telling me that I’m lazy. If you told me a week ago that I’d be going from comfortably walking a minimum of 7.5kms a day to barely being able to manage 7 steps I wouldn’t have believed you. If you’d told me I could sustain a back injury that would leave me wincing in pain from something as simple as straightening a cushion on the lounge I wouldn’t have believed that either. See household chores really are dangerous….just saying. Anyway suffice to say that this week has been a slow week, a very inactive one with recovery and pain minimisation a priority rather than activity. With stay at home orders continuing unabated it’s not a bad time to be restricted. Let’s face it, there is no ‘fear of missing out’ because we can’t do much anyway. So a week in, bed has been my happy place for most of the time. Gladys o’clock helps to determine the time of day as she brings us daily news updates of the virus cases going up and the number of vaccinations that have been placed into arms. The rest of the day is bookmarked by intervals of pain at varying levels of intensity mask by both Panadol and Goanna heat balm, as well as the occasional microwaved wheat pack and lots of loving care from my significant other. It’s the latter that makes it all bearable. He shops, cooks, cleans and nurses as well as attending to our ageing cat that has chosen this week to become incontinent. Oh the timing, a vet visit I feel is imminent. Another job for the significant other.

On the upside, he’s nourishing me with yummy food, some of it wholesome, and some more in the realm of being comforting, like this delicious apple pie swimming in gooey caramel. You can find the recipe here

The best apple pie

It’s no secret that I’m a fan of Adam Liaw’s simple to make, but tasty one pan dishes. His Japanese inspired Miso Baked Eggplant doused in sake and mirin and caramelised to perfection in the oven, had me picking the crunchy bits off the bottom of the tray. The recipe can be found here


However, the real piece de resistance has been the sourdough muffin prepared at home for breakfast, loaded with mixed leaves, free range bacon, a perfectly cooked and oozy free range egg dotted with little slithers of tasty cheese. I’d be happy to have this served up any time of day.

Other things that have caught my eye this week are:

Japanaroo 2021, an initiative to celebrate multiculturalism and promote exchange with Japan in Australia. Running from the 20th August to the 2nd October, it’s an opportunity to experience Japan at your doorstep, in a series of predominantly virtual events, so you can experience Japan without having to leave the house. It includes everything from experiencing a ‘homestay’ in a real Japanese house, virtual tours of famous landmarks like Osaka Castle or Sensoji Temple, virtual walking tours of Harajuku, composing your own Japanese Song with singer/songwriter Naoki Kato, or bringing a taste of Japan into your kitchen with live cooking lessons to learn how to make some easy Japanese dishes. More information can be found at

Phillip Island Nature Parks Live Penguin TV streamed into our homes at sunset every night from 6pm. Viewers can tune in either on the Nature Parks Facebook page or YouTube channel to watch live as the world’s largest colony of Little Penguins waddle up Phillip Island’s floodlit beaches to their homes and can also ask questions of the rangers in real-time.

Meanwhile back at home out on the garden terrace I’ve noticed some powdery mildew patches on the leaves of my begonia and viola plants. I’ve learned these fuzzy patches on the top side of the leaves are a fungi that cripples the plants ability to photosynthesise by blocking out light and inhibiting the leaf’s gas exchange system. The fungi must be prevented from jumping between nearby plants and a popular remedy is a milk spray prepared with 3 parts full cream milk to 7 parts water applied every ten days. It’s important to spray the plants during bright daytime light to allow the milk to dry and prevent the problem of other diseases that may occur in damp conditions.

I miss my daily walks and the heady perfumes in the gardens as I traverse around the neighbourhood. Hopefully I’ll be back on my feet again soon.

Until next time may your days be both serendipitous and enjoyable.



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Sour Cherry & Turkish Delight Rocky Road

Deliciously Decadent

This is one of those recipes that

is ridiculously easy - more of

an assembly job, than actual

cooking. But it is also one that is

somehow more than the sum of

its parts - really just a collection

of delicious things bathed in

chocolate. But with tart sour

cherries, roasted pistachios and

gloriously pink Turkish delight,

what could go wrong? A word

of warning though - cut it into

small pieces, it is rather rich.



360g good quality dark

chocolate, roughly chopped

100g marshmallows, cut in half

200g Turkish Delight, chopped


100g dried sour cherries

75g roasted pistachios

15g freeze-dried raspberries



Line an 18cm round tin (or

similar) with baking paper,

leaving plenty of overhang to

allow you to easily remove the

rocky road from the tin when set.




Melt chocolate in a heat-proof

bowl set over a saucepan of

simmering water. Remove from

heat and allow to cool slightly.

Place marshmallows, Turkish

Delight, sour cherries, and

pistachios in a large bowl,

tossing to combine. Pour over

melted chocolate and stir gently

until all ingredients are coated in


Spoon into prepared tin,

squashing down and smoothing

lightly with the back of a spoon.

refrigerate until set (at least 3


Slice into portions with a hot

sharp knife and serve with tea or

coffee. I like to wrap individual

wedges in cellophane and ribbon

to give away as gifts. Rocky Road

will keep in the fridge for up to 2

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